
Intervening for Stepfamily Success: One Case, Multiple Perspectives



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Intro -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Table of Contents -- Preface -- About the Editor -- About the Contributors -- Acknowledgments -- Part I Introducing the Case Study -- Chapter 1 What We Know About Stepfamilies -- Case Study -- Stepfamily Demographic Data -- Clinical Approach of This Book -- Family Systems -- Theory-Based Treatment Planning: Rationale and Possibility -- Addressing Cultural Diversity -- Conclusion -- References -- Part II Specific Family Counseling Models Applied to the Case Study -- Chapter 2 Adlerian Family Therapy -- Rationale for Choosing Adlerian Theory -- The Stages of Adlerian Family Therapy -- Facilitating Insight With Adlerian Family Therapy -- Behavior Is Purposeful -- Social Interest -- Adlerian Interventions for Developing Insight in Clients -- Lifestyle -- Tentative Hypotheses -- Therapeutic Strategies -- Spitting in the Soup -- The Antisuggestion -- The Family Meeting -- Effectiveness of the Adlerian Approach: Indicators and Counterindicators -- Diversity and Cultural Considerations for Adlerian Counselors -- Advice for Students or Clinicians Using Adlerian Therapy With Stepfamily Clients -- References -- Chapter 3 Transgenerational Family Counseling -- Rationale for Choosing Transgenerational Family Counseling -- Two Theoretical Constructs to Facilitate Client Insight -- Three Intervention Strategies -- Conflict Resolution Skills -- Positive Psychology -- Psychoeducation -- Therapeutic Strategies to Facilitate Change -- Transgenerational Forces -- Genogram -- Art and Play Techniques -- Shifting Alliances -- Effectiveness of Transgenerational Family Counseling: Indicators and Counterindicators -- Factors of Client Diversity That Influence Intervention Choices -- Factors That Influence Clinical Services Delivery -- Advice for Students or Clinicians Using Transgenerational Therapy With Stepfamily Clients.

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Intervening for stepfamily success: one case, multiple perspectives

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American Counseling Association



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