
Engaged urbanism: cities and methodologies



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Front Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Table of Contents -- Preface and Acknowledgements -- Engaged urbanism: situated and experimental methodologies for fairer cities -- I Frames -- 1 Cities methodologies matter: comparative urbanism and global urban theory -- 2 Methods, metaphors and the interdisciplinary terrain of urban research -- II Site-Specific Collaborations -- 3 Site-writing -- 4 Towards an architecture of engagement: researching contested urbanism and informalities -- 5 'Worlding' the studio: methodological experiments and the art of being social -- III Performance and Participation -- 6 From 'heroin' to heroines -- 7 Four palimpsests on the erasure of the Heygate Estate -- 8 Hacking London's demolition decisions: a new collaboration to scrutinise the technical justifications for retrofit, refurbishment and demolition -- 9 Authoring the neighbourhood in Wikipedia -- 10 The secret security guard: being a G4S employee during the London Olympic Games 2012 -- 11 Hide and seek: the dubious nature of plant life in high-security spaces -- IV Situating Images and Imaginaries -- 12 The ups and downs of visualising contemporary Mumbai -- 13 Creating systematic records through time: the destruction and reconstruction of heritage areas affected by earthquakes in Chile -- 14 Paint. Buff. Shoot. Repeat: re-photographing graffiti in London -- 15 Critical urban learning through participatory photography -- 16 Assisted self-portraits and GUESTures: excerpts from a discussion on photography and participation -- 17 Picturing place: the agency of images in urban change -- 18 'Seeing is believing': the social life of urban decay and rebirth -- 19 'We thought we were making the car but it was the other way around': historical pathways and the ecology of the street network in industrial and post-industrial Detroit -- V Embodied Cartographies.

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Engaged urbanism: cities & methodologies

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


Engaged urbanism: cities & methodologies

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft




I. B. Tauris & Company



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