Green Technologies and Infrastructure to Enhance Urban Ecosystem Services: Proceedings of the Smart and Sustainable Cities Conference 2018
In: Springer Geography Ser.
Intro -- Preface -- Organization -- Committee -- Chief Patron -- Scientific Program Chair -- Scientific Program Committee -- Organizing Chair -- Organizing Co-chair -- Organizing Committee -- Organized by -- Contents -- Smart and Sustainable Cities: From Environmental Threats Towards Nature Based Solutions and Sustainable Management -- Abstract -- Acknowledgments -- References -- Assessing Soil Lead Exposure for Gardeners in New York City - A Pilot Study -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Methods and Materials -- 2.1 Soil Sampling and Questionnaire -- 2.2 X-ray Fluorescence -- 3 Results -- 3.1 Lead Concentrations in Soil -- 3.2 Questionnaire: Gardener Characteristics and Risk Behaviors -- 4 Discussion -- 5 Conclusion -- Acknowledgments -- References -- Assessment of Soil Pollution with Heavy Metals in Urban Areas of the Kola Arctic -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Objects and Methods -- 3 Results and Discussion -- References -- Soil-Ecological Assessment of the M.I. Kalinin Park Ufa City, Russia -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Materials and Methods -- 3 Results and Discussion -- 3.1 Morphological Properties -- 3.2 Agrochemical and Agrophysical Properties -- 3.3 Ecological Characteristics -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- The Effect of Sealing on Soil Carbon Stocks in New Moscow -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Materials and Methods -- 2.1 Research Area -- 2.2 Methodology -- 3 Results and Discussion -- 3.1 Sealing Dynamic -- 3.2 Dynamics of Sealing of Soil Types in New Moscow -- 3.3 Depletion if Soil Carbon Stocks in New Moscow -- 4 Conclusions -- Acknowledgements -- References -- Biological Activity of Sealed Soils of Rostov-on-Don -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Materials and Methods -- 2.1 Description of the Study Area and Soil Sampling Sites -- 2.2 Analytical Methods -- 3 Results -- 4 Discussion -- 5 Conclusion -- Acknowledgments.