
The Normative Force of the Factual: Legal Philosophy Between Is and Ought

In: Law and Philosophy Library 130

In: Springer eBooks

In: Law and Criminology

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On Jellinek's "Two Sides" of the State -- On Jellinek's Concept of a Normative Force of the Factual -- A Positivist View on the Normative Force of the Factual -- The Normative Force of the Factual: A Doctrinal Perspective -- The Normative Force of the Factual: A View from International Law -- The Normative Force of the Factual in Analytical Perspective -- The Fact of Norms -- The Factual Force of the Normative -- "Is" and "Ought" and the Problem of Normativity in Hans Kelsen -- Facts and Law -- Reflections on Law and Practical Reasons -- On Normativity -- Deflating Normativity -- Law and Force -- ShillongTacit Knowledge and the Shibboleth of law: A Deconstructive Intersection between Fact and Norm

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The normative force of the factual: legal philosophy between is and ought

In: Law and philosophy library volume 130

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