
Home-land: Romanian Roma, domestic spaces and the state

In: Global migration and social change

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Introduction: Romanian Roma, motherhood and the home; Chapter 1: Home truths: fieldwork, writing and anthropology's 'home encounter'; Interlude: Facebook with Cristina; Chapter 2: Shifting faces of the state: austerity, post-welfare and frontline work; Interlude: Disappearing Dinni; Chapter 3: Romanian Roma mothers: labelling and negotiating stigma; Interlude: Remembering Brussels with Georgeta; Chapter 4: Intimate bureaucracy and home encounters; Interlude: Clara's Belgian torte; Chapter 5: Gender and intimate state encounters; Interlude: Losing Sophia and Angela; Chapter 6: Borders and intimate state encounters; Conclusion: Homemade state: intimate state encounters at the margins.

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Home-Land: Romanian Roma, Domestic Spaces and the State

In: Global Migration and Social Change



Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


Home-land: Romanian Roma, domestic spaces and the state

In: Global migration and social change

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

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