
Internal migration in the developed world: are we becoming less mobile

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In: International population studies



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Cover -- Half Title -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- List of figures -- List of tables -- List of contributors -- The book and the series -- Book editors' preface -- PART I: Setting the scene -- 1 Introduction: a more mobile world, or not? -- 2 Understanding the drivers of internal migration -- 3 Studying internal migration in a cross-national context -- 4 Global trends in internal migration -- PART II: In-depth country analyses -- 5 United States: cohort effects on the long-term decline in migration rates -- 6 United Kingdom: temporal change in internal migration -- 7 Australia: the long-run decline in internal migration intensities -- 8 Japan: internal migration trends and processes since the 1950s -- 9 Sweden: internal migration in a high-migration Nordic country -- 10 Germany: internal migration within a changing nation -- 11 Italy: internal migration in a low-mobility country -- PART III: Commentary and synthesis -- 12 Internal migration: what does the future hold? -- 13 Sedentary no longer seems apposite: internal migration in an era of mobilities -- 14 Conclusions and reflections -- Index.

Weitere Versionen:


Internal migration in the developed world: are we becoming less mobile?

In: International population studies

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


Internal migration in the developed world: are we becoming less mobile?

In: International population studies



Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


Internal migration in the developed world: are we becoming less mobile?

In: International population studies

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

World Affairs Online




Routledge Taylor & Francis Group



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