
Deviance and risk on holiday: an ethnography of British tourists in Ibiza



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This book represents the first attempt to step inside the holiday experience of young British tourists in San Antonio, Ibiza. Briggs' ethnographic study reveals the ugly truth about how and why they get involved in deviance and risk-taking when they go abroad, driven by self validation and a commodified social context, This book represents the first attempt to step inside the holiday experience of young British tourists. Using ethnographic methods such as observation, open-ended interviewing and focus groups in San Antonio, Ibiza, this book reveals the ugly truth about 'how' and 'why' young Brits get involved in deviance and risk-taking when they go abroad, exploring vivid accounts of drug use, drug dealing, violence, prostitution, and injury. In contrast to existing knowledge and populist depictions, Briggs argues that the root of these behaviours is not pathological but rather it is more about how this social group have come to self validate what is expected of them in their leisure time and, as a consequence, how their attitudes are subtly guided and endorsed by the commodified social context of resorts which are only interested in making money at their expense. Exploring issues of youth culture, political economy, tourism and identity, this book will appeal to scholars in sociology, criminology, cultural studies, tourism and youth studies

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Deviance and Risk on Holiday: An Ethnography of British Tourists in Ibiza



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