
An enquiry into the Asian growth model

In: Palgrave connect

In: Economics and Finance collection



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PART I: AN ENQUIRY INTO THE ASIAN GROWTH MODEL 1. Growing Interest in Asia and its Growth Trajectory 2. Burgeoning Clout of the Asian Economy 3. Integration: Regional and Global 4. Sequence of Argument: An Asian Growth Model PART II: THE ASIAN GROWTH MODEL: MYTH OR REALITY 1. Introduction 1.1 Objectives, Queries and Scope 2. Industrial Policy: Formulation and Utilization 2.1 Industrial Policy and Development Strategy 2.2 Strategic Shift: From Non-Intervention to Intervention 2.3 Asian Economies and Market Intervention 3. Structural Economics and Government Intervention 4. From the Washington Consensus ... 4.1 Limitations of the Washington Consensus 4.2 Taking Government out of the Development Equation 5. ...to the Beijing Consensus 5.1 A Myth or a Coherent and Persuasive Development Strategy? 6. State Capitalism 6.1 Changing Nature of State Capitalism in Asia 7. Is there a China Model? 7.1 China Turning to Market Econmy Principles 8. Asian or Sino-Capitalism 8.1 Stylized Classification 8.2 Is it a threat? 9. Summary and Conclusions PART III: THE GROWTH PACT OF DYNAMIC ASIAN ECONOMIES: SOME OF THE NEWER ELUCIDATIONS 1. Introduction 2. Structuralist Explanations: Newer Versions 3. Heterogeneity in the Asian Growth Performance 4. Greater credit for State Capitalism 5. Summary and Conclusions PART IV: THE ASIAN GROWTH MODEL: A META-ANALYSIS 1. Genesis and Initial Deliberations 2. Theoretical Concepts 2.1 Basic Modes of Export Promotions 3. Trade-Growth Nexus 3.1 Export-Led Growth Hypothesis and its Endless Testing 4. FDI-Trade Nexus 5. Supportive Factors and Policy Strands 6. Controversy over Perspiration or Inspiration Summary: Implications for Theory and Policy Bibliography

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An enquiry into the Asian growth model

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Palgrave Pivot


113752927X, 9781137529275

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