
Managing Reputation in The Banking Industry: Theory and Practice

In: SpringerLink

In: Bücher



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Frontmatter. - Part I: Theoretical Foundations. -- Chapter 1: Reputation, Reputational Risk And Reputational Crisis In The Banking Industry: State Of The Art And Concepts For Improvements. - Chapter 2: Reputation, Reputational Crisis And Corporate Social Responsibility Of Banks: Measurement And Relationships -- Part II: Learning From Case Studies -- Chapter 3: The Libor Case And Focus On Barclays -- Chapter 4: The Case Study Of Goldman Sachs -- Chapter 5: The Case Study Of Lehman Brothers -- Chapter 6: Unicredit And Reputation: A Journey Integrating Stakeholders' Perceptions Into Business Planning And Strategies -- Chapter 7: Intesa Sanpaolo: A Case Study On Reputation Management And Its Relationship To Corporate Social Reputation -- Part III: From Experience To Knowledge -- Chapter 8: Managing Reputation: Reflections And Operational Suggestions.

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