Aufsatz(gedruckt) World Affairs Online2015

Rethinking challenges to state sovereignty in Mali and Northwest Africa

In: African security, Band 8, Heft 4, S. 213-337

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


Whitehouse, B. ; Strazzari, F.: Introduction: rethinking challenges to state sovereignty in Mali and Northwest Africa. - S. 213-226. - Harmon, S.: Securitization initiatives in the Sahara-Sahel region in the twenty-first century. - S. 227-248. - Raineri, L. ; Strazzari F.: State, secession, and Jihad: the micropolitical economy of conflict in Northern Mali. - S. 249-271. - Boisvert, M.-A.: Failing at violence: the longer-lasting impact of pro-government militias in Northern Mali since 2012. - S. 272-298. - Bøås, M. Crime, coping, and resistance in the Mali-Sahel periphery. - S. 299-319. - Hüsken, T. ; Klute, G.: Political orders in the making: emerging forms of political organization from Libya to Northern Mali. - S. 320-337

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