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This unique and erudite second edition can be used at three different levels - advanced undergraduate, post-graduate and doctoral. It comprehensively covers the critical issues on the economics of climate change and climate policy features and clearly identifies the specific sections each level of reader should explore. Topics include the costs and benefits of adaptation and mitigation, discounting, uncertainty, policy instruments, and international agreements. Lectures can be combined with exercises, guided reading, or the building and application of an integrated assessment model. The book is accompanied by a website with background material, data, opinion pieces and videos. Although primarily intended for use in the classroom, anyone with an interest in climate policy can use this text as a reference.
This text on the economics of climate change and climate policy can be used at three different levels - advanced undergraduate, post-graduate and doctoral. It covers the critical issues and clearly identifies the specific sections each level of reader should explore
Edward Elgar Publishing
9781786435071, 9781786435095, 9781786435088
xx, 234 Seiten
Second edition
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