EU cross-border insolvency: court-to-court cooperation principles
In: European and international insolvency law studies 1
1.2.2 Goals of the EU: Judicial Cooperation1.2.3 Existence of National Procedural Law -- 1.2.4 The Existing European Insolvency Regulation -- 1.2.5 Ongoing Case Law -- 1.3 THE EU JUDGECO PRINCIPLES? OBJECTIVES -- 1.4 ORGANISATION OF THE PROJECT -- 1.4.1 Project Team -- 1.4.2 Review & Advisory Group -- 1.4.3 Other Consultants -- 1.4.4 The Methodology Followed -- 1.4.5 The Final Text of the EU JudgeCo Principles -- 1.4.6 Innovative Value -- 1.5 PROJECT FUNDING -- 2. EU CROSS-BORDER INSOLVENCY COURT-TO-COURT COOPERATION PRINCIPLES (FULL TEXT INCLUDING COMMENTARY)