Aufsatz(gedruckt) World Affairs Online2005

Mobilität der Streitkräfte: Realisierung im Bereich Verkehr und Transport

In: Europäische Sicherheit: Politik, Streitkräfte, Wirtschaft, Technik, Band 54, Heft 10, S. 45-53

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


The pending question regarding the essential mobility for transporting and supplying personnel, with the material necessary for the accomplishment of the mission, to the sometimes very distant areas of operation, but also those regarding the necessary support of the basic operation (training and exercises) were carefully studied. If the future Bundeswehr will comprise 35,000 soldiers as intervention forces, 70,000 soldiers as stabilization forces, and about 147,500 soldiers as support forces supplemented by 75,000 civilian staff of the military administration and last but not least up to 100,000 reservists, a new challenge in respect to mobility for the armed forces will then already result from these force categories alone. (Europäische Sicherheit / SWP)

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