Aufsatz(gedruckt) World Affairs Online2007

The Shi'a in the Arab world

In: Middle East report: MER ; Middle East research and information project, MERIP, Band 37, Heft 1/242, S. 5-39

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


Kashavarzian, A.: The muslim world is not flat. - S. 5 Valbjorn, M. ; Bank, A.: Signs of a new Arab cold war : the 2006 Lebanon war and the Sunni-Shi'i divide. - S. 6-11 Harb, M.: Deconstucting Hizballah and its suburb. - S. 12-17 Deeb, L.: Louder than bombs. - S. 18-19 The Lebanese impasse : a roundtable disussion with Fawwaz Trabulsi and Elias Khoury. - S. 20-22 Visser, R.: Basra, the reluctant seat of "Shiastan". - S. 23-28 Jones, T.: Saudi Arabia's not so new anti-Shi'ism. - S. 29-32 Russell Jones, S.: The battle over family law in Bahrain. - S. 33-39

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