Aufsatz(gedruckt) World Affairs Online2012

Special issue: nonstate actors, fragmentation, and conflict processes

In: The journal of conflict resolution: journal of the Peace Science Society (International), Band 56, Heft 1, S. 3-149

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Pearlman, W. ; Gallagher Cunningham, K.: Nonstate actors, fragmentation, and conflict processes. - S. 3-15 Staniland, P.: Between a rock and a hard place: insurgent fratricidfe, ethnic defection and the rise of pro-state paramilitaries. - S. 16-40 McLauchlin, T. ; Pearlman, W.: Out-group conflict, in-group unity? Exploring the effect of repression on intramovement cooperation. - S. 41-66 Gallagher Cunningham, K. ; Bakke, K. M. ; Seymour, L. J. M.: Shirts today, skins tomorrow: dual contests and the effects of fragmentation in self-determination disputes. - S. 67-93 Asal, V. ; Brown, M. ; Dalton, A.: Why split? Organizational splits among ethnopolitical organizations in the Middle East. - S. 94-117 Driscoll, J.: Commitment problems or bidding wars? Rebel fragmentation as peace building. - S. 118-149

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