The justice project
Introduction: A conversation about justice / Brian D. McLaren -- What is justice? / Brian D. McLaren -- God's call to do justice / C. Ren Padilla -- The God of justice -- God's justice : a biblical view / Sarah Dylan Breuer -- Just son : what does Jsus' message of the kingdom have to do with justice? / Adam Taylor -- The Holy Spirit of justice / Peter Goodwin Heltzel -- A tradition of justice : how has the church pursued justice across the major periods of church history? / Jenell Williams Paris -- (De)constructing justice : what does the postmodern turn contribute to the Christian passion for justice? / Tony Jones -- The book of justice -- Reading the Bible unjustly : how has the American church read the Bible unjustly? / Richard Twiss -- Just Torah : no justice, no peace, the heresy of the world ignored / J. Shawn Landres -- Reading the prophets for justice / Jeremy Del Rio -- Justice in the Gospels / Suba Priya Rabindran -- Reading the Epistles for justice / Sylvia C. Keesmaat -- Justice in the U.S. -- My name is legion, for we are many : exorcism as racial justice / Anthony Smith -- Just land : what are the key justice issues for native peoples in the U.S.A.? / Randy Woodley -- Just lections : what is the most pressing voter issue facing our democracy today? / Bart Campolo -- Just liberals : what are the strengths and weaknesses of liberal politics in light of biblical justice? / Heather Kirk-Davidoff -- Just conservatives: what are the strengths and weaknesses of conservative politics in light of biblical justice? / Joseph Myers -- Just family values : how can Christians advocate justice for non-traditional families? / Peggy Campolo -- A third way : a prophetic word on borders / Gabriel Salguero -- A just world -- Just perspectives : how can we become just global citizens? / Ashley Bunting Seeber -- Just wealth : how is the poverty of the poor in the global south a matter of justice for the rich in the global north? / Dario Lopez -- The business of justice / Pamela Wilhelms -- Just ecology : what demands of justice does the planet make upon followers of Christ? / Lyndsay Moseley -- Just religion : why should we de-colonize God's name? / Samir Selmanovic -- Just cities : what does the call to justice mean for life in our cities? / Chad R. Abbott -- Justice in the slums : urban poverty as a monument to injustice / Jorge Tasin -- Just suburbs : what does the call of justice mean for life in our suburbs? / Will and Lisa Samson -- Just countryside : how can justice "from the roots up" affect life in rural areas? / Sarah Ferry -- A just church -- The power of ordinary : how are Evangelicals in the U.S. awakening to social justice issues? / Shauna Niequist -- More than "just us" : justice in African American churches in a post-Civil Rights era / Alise Barrymore -- Suffering for justice : what kinds of suffering can young people anticipate if they wholeheartedly pursue justice? / Annemie Bosch -- Planting churches in justice / Roy Soto -- Parenting for justice : how can parents instill the value of justice in their children? / Ruth Padilla DeBorst -- Just trade : commerce that brings justice to the poor and meaning to the rich / Nathan George and Lynn Hybels -- Just hope / Doug Pagitt -- Just beginning : what are some good first steps in seeking justice for both individuals and faith communities? / Tomas and Dee Yaccino -- A justice emergency : will justice become central to the emergent conversation? / Elisa Padilla
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