
Fluorine and the environment: atmospheric chemistry, emissions, & lithosphere

In: Advances in fluorine science 1

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Fluorine in the atmosphere / Philippe Ricaud and Franck Lefèvre -- Evaluation and selection of CFC alternatives / Akira Sekiya, Masaaki Yamabe, Kazuaki Tokuhashi, Yasuo Hibino, Ryoichi Imasu and Hidekazu Okamoto -- Trifluoromethyl sulphur pentafluoride, SF₅CF₃ : atmospheric chemistry and its environmental importance via the greenhouse effect / Richard P. Tuckett -- Production of second- or third-generation fluorine-based refrigerants from (photo)-dechlorination of fluorocarbon wastes / Hideo Nishiumi, Koichi Sato and Ryo Kato -- Volcanic fluorine emissions : observations by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy / Georgina M. Sawyer and Clive Oppenheimer -- Fluorine and coexisting volatiles in the geosphere : the role in Japanese volcanic rocks / Katsuro Anazawa -- Fluorine compounds in gaseous emissions from industrial sources : the case of ceramic industries / Giuliana Bonvicini, Alberto Fregni and Carlo Palmonari -- Some problems relating to fluorides in the environment : effects on plants and animals / Alan W. Davison and Leonard H. Weinstein

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