Buch(gedruckt) World Affairs Online2001

Thai migrant workers in Southeast and East Asia: the prospects of Thailand's migration policy in the light of the regional economic recession

In: Conditions in Destination Countries

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


(...) Part I: Social Scientific Papers Ito, Chiaki ; Chunjitkaruna, Phannee: Overview of Thai migrant workers in Japan Suzuki, Noriyuki: Recruitment and problems of Thai trainees in Japan Tsay Ching-lung: Working and living conditions of Thai contract workers in Taiwan Laodumroungchai, Samarn: Undocumented Thai migrant workers in Taiwan Muhamed, Khadija ; Chantavanich, Supang: Thai migrant workers in Malaysia Atipas, Porntipa: The regional economic crisis and the migration of Thai workers to Singapore Hong Woon Young: Analytical report of expert interviews on issues of Thai labor migrants in Singapore Part II: Legal papers Kondo, Atsushi: Immigration law and foreign workers in Japan Tsay Ching-lung ; Tseng Pi-yuan: Labor code on the employment and management of foreign nationals in Taiwan Tsay Ching-lung: Evolution of Taiwan's foreign labor policy and management Ahmad, Sharifah Suhanah Syed: Foreign labor in Malaysia Ewing-Chow, Michael: Singapore: legal issues relating to Thai migrant workers Prachason, Sajin: Conclusion Appendix: Abstracts of papers in Thai (...)

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