Aufsatz(elektronisch) World Affairs OnlineFebruar 2011

Between rights talk and Bible speak: the implementation of equal treatment legislation in Orthodox Reformed communities in The Netherlands

In: Human rights quarterly, Band 33, Heft 1, S. 175-200

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


This article discusses the responses to a number of recent court cases concerning the equal treatment of women and homosexuals amongst Dutch orthodox reformed in the semi-public sphere (e.g. political parties, schools). In doing so, this article applies and refines legal anthropological theories on the realization of rights in a context of cultural and religious diversity. It also specifically addresses the responses to court cases launched 'from the outside' in the context of a western country with a tradition of code law. These cases have an adverse effect on discussions of equal treatment within the communities concerned. (Human Rights Quarterly)

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