Asian-Pacific security after the Cold War
O'Neill, R.: The future of the US security contributions to the Asian-Pacific region. S. 8-14. Harland, B.: Further considerations on the future of US security contributions to the Asia-Pacific region. S. 15-20. Mackintosh, M.: The Soviet Union in the Pacific. S. 21-31. Yahuda, M.: China: will it strengthen or weaken the region. S. 32-50. Lee, H.: The end of the Cold War and the prospect for Korean unification. S. 51-55. Leifer, M.: The Indochina problem. S. 56-68. Yukio Satoh: The Japanese role. S. 69-80. Jeshurun, Ch.: ASEAN as a source of security in the Asian-Pacific region. S. 81-100. Wiseman, G.: Australia and New Zealand: a review of their contributions to Asian-Pacific security. S. 101-123. Segal, G.: Europe and Asian-Pacific security. S. 124-136