



Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


Cover -- CONTENTS -- CONTEXT -- RECENT DEVELOPMENTS: GAS PRICE REPRIEVE -- OUTLOOK: VULNERABILITIES UNDERLIE ROBUST GROWTH -- POLICY ISSUES: DEFINITIVE CHANGE NEEDED -- A. Policy Consistency and Sustainability-the Guiding Principles -- B. A Roadmap for Sustainable Fiscal Policy -- C. Social Policies-An Updated Strategy -- D. Monetary Policy: Simplify and Tighten as Needed -- E. Reforms Needed to Raise Competitiveness -- F. Governance and Efficiency to Bring Activity into the Formal Sector -- G. Financial Stability and Financial Inclusion -- H. Data Issues -- AUTHORITIES' VIEWS -- STAFF APPRAISAL -- BOXES -- 1. Past IMF Policy Recommendations -- 2. Spillovers from Argentina and Brazil in the near-term -- FIGURES -- 1. Real Sector Developments -- 2. Fiscal Sector Developments -- 3. External Sector Developments -- 4. Monetary Developments -- 5. Financial Sector Developments -- 6. Cross-Country Financial Soundness Indicators -- 7. Structural Reforms and External Competitiveness -- TABLES -- 1. Past Fund Policy Recommendations -- 2. Selected Economic and Financial Indicators -- 3. Operations of the Combined Public Sector -- 4. Non-Financial Public Sector Total Debt -- 5. Financial System Survey -- 6. Summary Balance of Payments -- 7. External Vulnerability Indicators -- 8. Risk Assessment Matrix -- 9. Sustainable Development Goals -- ANNEXES -- I. Public Debt Sustainability Analysis (DSA) -- II. External Sector Assessment -- III. A Proposed Fiscal Rule for Bolivia -- IV. Governance Issues and Options -- V. Impact of the Financial Services Law -- CONTENTS -- FUND RELATIONS -- STATISTICAL ISSUES




International Monetary Fund



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