
Refugee Resettlement in the United States

In: Human Rights: Background and Issues



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Intro -- REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT IN THE UNITED STATES -- REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT IN THE UNITED STATES -- CONTENTS -- PREFACE -- Chapter 1 REFUGEE ADMISSIONS AND RESETTLEMENT POLICY -- SUMMARY -- BACKGROUND AND DEFINITIONS -- REFUGEE ADMISSIONS -- FY2012 Refugee Ceiling and Allocations -- Refugee Processing Priorities -- Refugee Adjudications -- Admissibility of Refugees -- Special Refugee Provisions -- Lautenberg Amendment and Specter Amendment -- Vietnamese Refugees -- REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT ASSISTANCE -- APPENDIX:REFUGEE ADMISSIONS BY REGION, FY1987-FY2011 -- End Notes -- Chapter 2 U.S. REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT ASSISTANCE -- SUMMARY -- INTRODUCTION -- BACKGROUND ON REFUGEE ADMISSIONS AND RESETTLEMENT POLICY -- Groups Eligible for Refugee Resettlement Assistance and Benefits -- Changes in the Refugee Program Over Time -- Selected Characteristics at Time of Arrival -- REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS -- DOS Reception and Placement Program -- ORR Assistance -- Types of Assistance -- Funding -- Approaches to Providing Assistance -- CURRENT ISSUES IN REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT ASSISTANCE -- Broad Challenges -- Interagency Coordination and Information Sharing -- Funding -- Resettlement Communities and Secondary Migration -- Self-Sufficiency Model -- Key Issues in Resettlement Assistance -- Financial Assistance to Refugees -- "Lottery" Effect -- Emphasis on Quick Employment -- Health Care Needs of Refugees -- English Language Instruction -- Potential Policy Options -- Administration and Planning -- ORR Programs -- CONCLUSION -- End Notes -- Chapter 3 REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT: GREATER CONSULTATION WITH COMMUNITY STAKEHOLDERS COULD STRENGTHEN PROGRAM -- WHY GAO DID THIS STUDY -- WHAT GAO RECOMMENDS -- WHAT GAO FOUND -- ABBREVIATIONS -- BACKGROUND -- Refugee Placement in the United States -- Federal Structure for Refugee Resettlement Programs




Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated



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