

In: Global Political Studies



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Intro -- GLOBALIZATION BACKGROUND, AGREEMENTS AND CURRENT ISSUES -- GLOBALIZATION BACKGROUND, AGREEMENTS AND CURRENT ISSUES -- CONTENTS -- PREFACE -- Chapter 1 EUROPE'S PREFERENTIAL TRADE AGREEMENTS: STATUS, CONTENT AND IMPLICATIONS -- Summary -- Introduction -- Status and Primary Motivations of Europe'sPTAs -- Agreements with Future EU Members or Close Neighbors -- Acceding Countries -- European Free Trade Association (EFTA) -- Western Balkans -- Other European Agreements -- Agreements with Bordering or Near-Bordering Countries -- Mediterranean Countries -- Gulf States -- Ukraine -- Agreements with Developing Countries -- ACP Countries -- Generalized System of Preferences -- Agreements with Distant Countries and Regions -- Regional Agreements -- Andean Community and Central America -- ASEAN -- MERCOSUR -- Bilateral Agreements -- Canada -- Chile -- India -- Mexico -- Republic of Korea -- South Africa -- Comparing U.S. and EUPTAs -- Overall Approaches -- WTO-Plus Provisions -- WTO-Extra Provisions -- Trade Coverage -- Trade Competition -- Implications for the Multilateral Trading System and U.S. Trade Policy -- Multilateral Trading System -- No Impact -- Positive Impact -- Negative Impact -- U.S. Trade Policy -- FTA Controversy -- Impact of EU-Korea and EU-Canada FTAs -- Conclusion -- Appendix. EUPTAs -- Acknowledgments -- Chapter 2 NATO COMMON FUNDS BURDENSHARING: BACKGROUND AND CURRENT ISSUES -- Summary -- Introduction -- NATO Civil Budget -- NATO Military Budget -- NATO Security Investment Program -- Common Funds Burdensharing Issues -- Chapter 3 MONITORING AND VERIFICATION IN ARMS CONTROL -- Summary -- Introduction -- Monitoring and Verification in Arms Control -- The Components of a Verification Regime -- The Objectives of a Verification Regime -- Assessing Verifiability




Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated



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