
Maritime Territorial Disputes Involving China

In: Asian Political, Economic and Security Issues



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Intro -- MARITIME TERRITORIAL DISPUTES INVOLVING CHINA -- MARITIME TERRITORIAL DISPUTES INVOLVING CHINA -- CONTENTS -- PREFACE -- Chapter 1 MARITIME TERRITORIAL AND EXCLUSIVE ECONOMIC ZONE (EEZ) DISPUTES INVOLVING CHINA: ISSUES FOR CONGRESS∗ -- SUMMARY -- INTRODUCTION -- BACKGROUND -- Overview of Disputes -- Maritime Territorial Disputes -- Dispute Regarding China's Rights Within Its EEZ -- Relationship of Maritime Territorial Disputes to EEZ Dispute -- Negotiations Between China and ASEAN on SCS Code of Conduct -- China's Approach to Territorial Disputes -- Some Key Elements -- Map of the Nine Dashed Lines -- Motivations for Claims -- Strategy of Incremental Actions -- Use of Law Enforcement Agency Ships and Fishing Vessels -- Law Enforcement Agency Ships: Overview -- Law Enforcement Agency Ships: Coordination Among Agencies -- Fishing Vessels -- U.S. Position on These Issues -- Some Key Elements -- Position Regarding Territorial Disputes in SCS -- Position Regarding Coastal State's Rights in Its EEZ -- Broader Regional Context -- ISSUES FOR CONGRESS -- Risk of United States Being Drawn Into a Crisis or Conflict -- U.S.-Japan Treaty on Mutual Cooperation and Security -- U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty51 -- Potential Oversight Questions for Congress -- Risk of U.S.-China Incidents in China's EEZ -- Option of Reducing U.S. Survey and Surveillance Activities in China's EEZ -- Option of Entering Into a U.S.-China Incidents-at-Sea (INCSEA) Agreement -- Potential Oversight Questions for Congress -- Whether United States Should Ratify United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) -- U.S. Arms Sales and Transfers to Philippines or Other Countries -- U.S. Military Forces -- Stationing and Operations of U.S. Forces in the Region -- U.S. Weapon Acquisition Programs -- Potential Oversight Questions for Congress

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Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated



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