The evolutionary complexity of endogenous innovation: the engines of the creative response
In: Elgaronline
In: Edward Elgar books
In: Edward Elgar E-Book Archive
Contents: 1. The engines of the creative response: the introductory framework -- 2. Innovation as an emergent system property (with Gianluigi Ferraris) -- 3. The microfoundations of evolutionary complexity: from the Marshallian search for equilibrium to Schumpeterian dynamics (with Gianluigi Ferraris) -- 4. External and internal knowledge in the knowledge generation function (with Alessandra Colombelli) -- 5. The role of external knowledge(s) in the introduction of product and process innovations (with Claudio Fassio) -- 6. The cost of knowledge (with Alessandra Colombelli) -- 7. The cost of knowledge and productivity growth (with Agnieszka Geringher) -- 8. Productivity growth persistence: firm strategies, size and system properties (with Francesco Crespi and Giuseppe Scellato) -- 9. The endogenous dynamics of pecuniary knowledge externalities (with Gianluigi Ferraris) -- 10. References -- Index.