
The Clinical Directorate



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Intro -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- Foreword -- List of contributors -- Introduction -- Working in a complex environment -- Attempts to involve doctors in management -- Specific strategies for managing clinical activity -- Why do consultants get involved in management? -- Concerns about becoming involved in management -- References -- 1 Working in teams -- Developing teams -- What is a team? -- Team behaviour -- Team process -- Managing conflict -- Summary of chapter -- References -- Further reading -- 2 Managing people -- Introduction -- What is human resource management? -- Human resource approaches, philosophies, and styles -- Recruitment and selection -- Performance management -- Reward systems -- Communication -- Labour utilization -- Conclusion -- References -- Further reading -- 3 Negotiating: a five step approach to the negotiation of health care contracts -- The preparation stage (steps 1-3) -- The negotiation stage (steps 4 and 5) -- References -- Further reading -- 4 Managing change -- What organizational culture do you work in? -- Why do people find change uncomfortable and resist it? -- Implications of change for managing the job -- Conclusion -- References -- Appendix 1: Checklist for change -- Appendix 2: Demands, constraints, and choices questionnaire -- 5 Strategic planning -- What is a business plan? -- Why have a business plan? -- For whom is a business plan designed? -- Who should produce a business plan? -- Business plan components -- Marketing -- Strategic planning process -- References -- 6 Service delivery planning -- Service planning approach -- Service description -- Service requirements -- Service Level Agreements -- Risk management (David Bowden) -- Conclusion -- 7 Managing financially -- Money: resource or measure? -- The scope of this chapter -- Understanding financial statements




Chapman and Hall/CRC



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