
Decentralization and reform in Latin America: improving intergovernmental relations

In: Edward Elgar E-Book Archive



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Decentralisation and Reform in Latin America analyses the process of intergovernmental reform in Latin America in the last two decades and presents a number of emerging issues. These include the impacts of decentralization and the response of countries in the region to challenge such as social cohesion, interregional and interpersonal disparities, the assignment of social and infrastructure expenditure, macrofinancial shocks, fiscal rules and the sharing of natural resources revenue. The main aim of the book is to assess the effective working of decentralized arrangements and institutions, with a view of suggesting corrections and reforms where the system is not working according to expectations.

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Decentralization and Reform in Latin America: Improving Intergovernmental Relations



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Decentralisation and reform in Latin America: improving intergovernmental relations

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World Affairs Online

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