Russians on Trump: press coverage and commentary
Inhaltsverzeichnis: The Trump Campaign (2015-2016) -- Chemistry and spin: Putin, Trump and other US candidates -- U.S. Presidential hopeful Trump says he and Putin would be pals -- What President Trump would mean for Russia -- Trump slams Obama, gives Putin an "A" for leadership -- Odd checks, asymmetrical balances -- Losing the Trump card -- From Hillary to Trump: What the Kremlin can expect from the candidates -- Who's afraid of Donald Trump? -- (Editorial): Antidemocracy -- White House and television: Who invented Donald Trump? -- Exceptional case -- Through the looking glass -- Trump as a mirror -- Hillary or Donald, it's all nuts -- Is Mr. Trump the next U.S. President? -- Breaking democracy's morals: The Trump phenomenon makes U.S. politics look more like those of Europe -- The America watchers -- Russia-U.S. relations after the election: "We will be ready for a new start" -- U.S. gives another reason to believe its democracy is deeply flawed -- Good-bye familiar America? U.S. foreign policy: A forecast until 2024 -- Trump card: A Donald Trump Fan Club watched the unthinkable unfold in Moscow -- Hey Trump, come on over! -- Actor's triumph: What to expect from the U.S. President-Elect -- Four years for white men -- Transatlantic backlash -- The U.S. has sneezed and now Russia will catch a cold -- In search of a Russian Trump -- Sergei Glazyev: "Ttrump needs help!" -- What next? forecasts of a new world order -- The shape of things to come -- Will Donald Trump abolish NATO? -- Two faces of American capitalism -- Will Trump tear up the nuclear deal with Iran? -- How will Russia respond to Trump? -- What will the Middle East look like under Putin and Trump? -- Europe turns toward Russia in major foreign policy change -- What are the implications of Israeli-U.S. conflict over U.N. resolution? -- Battle of ideas in Washington -- "There's no reset button. We're either going to get along or we're not" -- Trump changes horses -- Republican Party of regions -- Why Donald Trump is not a Putin agent -- The Crimea for lease: A Russian trail in settlement plans for Ukraine -- Russian lawyer tells State TV she met Trump Jr. to ask for "help" -- Kremlin not surprised by media reports on eavesdropping on Russian Ambassador to U.S. -- Senator blasts resignation of Trump's national security adviser over Russia contacts -- Rendezvous without hope for a reset -- Dancing with Washington -- Russian Ambassador Kislyak on meeting with Trump adviser Flynn: "There were no secrets" -- Spying on Uncle Sam -- One hack too far -- Attacks from Moscow: Did the U.S. believe in Russian hackers? -- America comes out on different sides of Russia -- Five-fake report -- Watergate for Trump -- A world without illusions, myths. "Dangerous but predictable": How Russia spooked the world with hackers and prostitutes -- Munich: Cold talk -- Seducing Europe -- Munich shows Western elite's total discombobulation -- NATO: Trump's burden -- The foundation of the West is shaken, its future uncertain -- The whole earth minus the U.S.: The consequences of America exiting the climate agreement -- How Trump is stealing Eastern Europe right from under Russia's nose -- The world comes to those who wait -- Macron displaces Merkel -- Moscow proposes Trump take a different view of Iran -- Will tomorrow come? -- Trump to halt plan to fight Islamic State with Russia -- U.S. strikes Syria: Trump is a president who no longer calls the shots -- Uncle Donald's show -- We have contact -- President Trump pushes for "Arab NATO" in the Middle East -- Trump appears in the East -- Top salesman -- Trial agreement -- Second nuclear century? -- Donald Trump's nuclear policy: First outlines -- We need an Iran deal with North Korea -- False calm: Why Russia prefers not to notice the nuclear crisis at its borders -- Short victorious war: U.S. President's magic wand to wave in a pinch -- Mutually assured distraction -- Nuclear deterrence: An eternal guarantee -- North Korea nuclear crisis: Why Russia's attempt to get involved in the big game is a bad idea -- Trumponomics -- No golden opportunity -- Russian matryoshka: How many demands for Trump can hide inside Putin? -- Ssergei Lavrov: "We are willing to work with the donald trump administration on the entire agenda" Honeymoon -- Kremlin and White House intent on eliminating negative balance -- "They tricked us": White House didn't expect Tass photographer to cover Trump-Lavrov meeting -- Lavrov briefed Putin on his meeting with Tump -- Opponents shake hands: Results of the first meeting between Putin and Trump -- Worse than under Obama: Why new U.S. sanctions have caused panic in Moscow -- Statement from the Russian Foreign Ministry -- How Putin expelled diplomats and hinted at cooperation with the U.S. -- After sanctions, there's no way back -- Sanctions -- "Trump is his own person.
East View Press
1879944898, 9781879944893, 9781879944886
xvi, 402 Seiten
First edition
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