
Future remains: a cabinet of curiosities for the Anthropocene



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Intro -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Preface / Gregg Mitman, Marco Armiero, and Robert S. Emmett -- The Anthropocene: The Promise and Pitfalls of an Epochal Idea / Rob Nixon -- Hubris -- Anthropocene in a Jar / Tomas Matza and Nicole Heller -- Concretes Speak: A Play in One Act / Rachel Harkness, Cristián Simonetti, and Judith Winter -- The Age of (a) Man / Joseph Masco -- The Manual Pesticide Spray Pump / Michelle Mart and Cameron Muir -- Hubris or Humility? Genealogies of the Anthropocene / Gregg Mitman -- Living And Dying -- Huia Echoes / Julianne Lutz Warren -- Snarge / Gary Kroll -- Marine Animal Satellite Tags / Nils Hanwahr -- Artificial Coral Reef / Josh Wodak -- Cryogenic Freezer Box / Elizabeth Hennessy -- Racism and the Anthropocene / Laura Pulido -- Sabotaging the Anthropocene -- or, In Praise of Mutiny / Marco Armiero -- Laboring -- On Possibility -- or, The Monkey Wrench / Daegan Miller -- The Germantown Calico Quilt / Bethany Wiggin -- Anthropocene Aesthetics / Robert S. Emmett -- Making -- The Mirror- Testing the Counter- Anthropocene / Sverker Sörlin -- Objects from Anna Schwartz's Cabinet of Curiosities / Judit Hersko -- Technofossil / Jared Farmer -- Davies Creek Road / Trisha Carroll and Mandy Martin -- Anthropocene Cabinets of Curiosity: Objects of Strange Change / Libby Robin -- Contributors

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Future remains: a cabinet of curiosities for the Anthropocene

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