
Macroeconomics Lectures: The Basic Models



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MACROECONOMICS LECTURES -- Contents -- Preface by Francesco Giavazzi -- To the teacher and the student -- Accompanying resources in Mybook -- Chapter 1. GDP, Prices, Inflation, Interest -- 1.1 National Accounting -- 1.2 Prices, quantities, time and rates -- 1.3 Two more elaborate examples -- 1.4 The case Y = G -- 1.5 Beyond GDP? -- 1.6 Exercises -- Chapter 2. Economic Growth: the Solow Model -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 The Solow growth model -- 2.3 What would come next: endogenous growth -- 2.4 Exercises -- Chapter 3. From Solow to the IS curve -- 3.1 From the long run to the short run -- 3.2 The change of perspective -- 3.3 Savings and Investments: the IS curve -- 3.4 The paradox of saving -- 3.5 Effective Demand -- 3.6 Shifts of the IS curve -- 3.7 Exercises -- Chapter 4. The economy with flexible prices -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 The model and equilibrium with flexible prices -- 4.3 Economic analysis of the model -- 4.4 Money supply and financial intermediation -- 4.5 Exercises -- Chapter 5. The point of view of JM Keynes -- 5.1 Alternative solution of the model -- 5.2 Introduction to Keynesian analysis -- 5.3 Exercises -- Chapter 6. IS-LM equilibrium with linear functions -- 6.1 Equilibrium computation -- 6.2 Dependence of equilibrium on G and M -- 6.3 Effectiveness of fiscal and monetary policy -- 6.4 Exercises -- Chapter 7. Equilibrium and adjustments -- 7.1 Introduction: vertical AS, horizontal AS -- 7.2 IS-LM equilibrium, recap of transitions -- 7.3 Convergence to general equilibrium -- 7.4 Government and the Central Bank -- 7.5 Interest rate target: the IS-MP model -- 7.6 Exercises -- Chapter 8. Labour market and price expectations: AS-AD analysis -- 8.1 Introduction -- 8.2 Labour market -- 8.3 The AS curve -- 8.4 Stable general equilibrium -- 8.5 Temporary general equilibrium -- 8.6 Transitions between equilibria

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