
Global perspectives on education research

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Literacy and language diversity : challenges for education research and practice in the 21st century / Ingrid Gogolin -- Framing global education in the United States : policy perspectives / Laura C. Engel and Megan M. Siczek -- The education of refugee children : human rights enactment and educational policy discourses in Italy and the UK / Valentina Migliarini -- Differentiation in middle-class identities, values and responses when integrating to predominantly working-class and multi-ethnic school of choice / Berglind Rós Magnúsdóttir -- Education as a community project : understanding place-based learning / Wenche Rønning, Jennifer Wood Adams, and Bronwen J. Cohn -- The children come and go : how educating military-connected students impacts the work of school teachers, counselors and administrators / Johanna K. Garner, Pamela Arnold-Puchalski, and John A. Nunnery -- Social inequality in attitudes and behavior : the implications of the Flemish tracking system for equity / Jannick Demanet, Laura Van den Broeck, and Mieke Van Houtte -- A transnational analysis of students' interests in science and science related research careers / George L. Wimberly -- Exploring possible effects of differential item functioning on reading achievement across language subgroups : a South African perspective / Surrette van Staden -- The conceptualization and measurement of student engagement in science : a cross-cultural examination from Finland and the United States / Justina Spicer, Barbara Schneider, Katariina Salmela-Aro, and Julia Moeller

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