
Routledge Handbook of Southeast Asian Development



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"Cover" -- "Title" -- "Copyright" -- "Dedication" -- "Contents" -- "List of figures" -- "List of tables" -- "Contributors" -- "Acknowledgments" -- "Part 1 Approaching Southeast Asian development" -- "1 Approaching Southeast Asian development" -- "2 What is development in Southeast Asia and who benefits? Progress, power and prosperity" -- "3 Neoliberalism in Southeast Asia" -- "4 Aggregate trends, particular stories: tracking and explaining evolving rural livelihoods in Southeast Asia" -- "5 'Nature' embodied, transformed and eradicated in Southeast Asian development" -- "Part 2 Development institutions and economies in Southeast Asia: introduction" -- "6 Neoliberalism and multilateral development organizations in Southeast Asia" -- "7 The International Labour Organization as a development actor in Southeast Asia" -- "8 Justice processes and discourses of post-conflict reconciliation in Southeast Asia: the experiences of Cambodia and Timor-Leste" -- "9 Civil society participation in the reformed ASEAN: reconfiguring development" -- "10 Industrial economies on the edge of Southeast Asian metropoles: from gated to resilient economies" -- "11 Community economies in Southeast Asia: a hidden economic geography" -- "12 Implications of non-OECD aid in Southeast Asia: the Chinese example" -- "13 'Timeless Charm'? Tourism and development in Southeast Asia" -- "Part 3 People and development: introduction" -- "14 Family, migration and the gender politics of care" -- "15 Healthcare entitlements for citizens and trans-border mobile peoples in Southeast Asia" -- "16 Migration, development and remittances" -- "17 Children, youth and development in Southeast Asia" -- "18 Ethnic minorities, indigenous groups and development tensions" -- "19 Globalization, regional integration and disability inclusion: insights from rural Cambodia




Taylor and Francis



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