A survey of clean air policy in Europe: this report is an enlarged and revised version of a paper presented at a seminar organized by friends of the Earth and Goethe Institute London on 8/9 December 1987, on "The Future for Forests - Science and Policy Issues Surrounding Forest Decline in Europe"
In: Veröffentlichungsreihe der Abteilung Normbildung und Umwelt des Forschungsschwerpunkts Technik-Arbeit-Umwelt des Wissenschaftszentrums Berlin für Sozialforschung 89-301
The paper presents a brief overview on the most important developments in European clean air policy. Special consideration is given to the activities in the European Community using, among other things, the results of an international conference on clean air policies in large European cities. In conclusion, some suggestions for improving clean air policy are made. A comprehensive annex of tables provides the reader with current key data on the most relevant aspects of clean air policy in the 12 EC member countries.