From crisis to recovery: old and new challenges in emerging Europe
Convergence in Central and Eastern Europe: Lessons and Non-Lessons from the Crisis-- L.B.Smaghi Crisis and Recovery in Emerging Europe: the Policy Response in Retrospect and Challenges Ahead-- J.Stark A Fragile Recovery: Emerging Europe since the 2008-9 Crisis-- Y.Koriyenko, F.Ohnsorge, F.Ricka & J.Zettelmeyer Emerging Europe: Refining the Growth Model to Support Sustainable Convergence-- B.B.Bakker & Y.Sun Emerging Europe in the Great Recession: Is Europe Different? F.Coricell Balance Sheet Repair and Reviving Private Sector Lending-- P.Mooslecner & T.Reininger Challenges after the Crisis in Emerging Europe: A Look Outside the EU Borders-- K.Buysse & F.Gurtner