
Industry 4.0 technologies: sustainable manufacturing supply chains. Volume 1, Theory, challenges, and opportunity

In: Environmental footprints and eco-design of products and processes

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This book brings forth the fundamental understanding of the role of Industry 4.0 technologies in sustainable manufacturing supply chain. Readers will get an overview of the challenges, opportunities, and requirements for the implementation of digital technologies and how they can support manufacturing supply chains to be sustainable. The book presents many applications of Industry 4.0 including integration of IoT, AI, Big Data, Blockchain, Procurement 4.0, Logistics 4.0, and Lean 4.0 in different contexts. The book therefore provides a platform for researchers, academicians, and professionals from diverse backgrounds to gain state-of-the-art knowledge for using Industry 4.0 in sustainable manufacturing supply chains. Readers will also be able to identify the practical significance and opportunities for future work directions.

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