
Politics, Christianity and society in Malawi: essays in honour of John McCracken

In: Mzuni books, no. 40

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With the death of John McCracken in 2017, Malawi lost a pre-eminent historian. This book celebrates McCracken's contribution to the study of Malawi's history and seeks to build on his legacy. Part of his genius was that he identified themes that hold the key to understanding the history of Malawi in its broader perspective. The authors contributing to this volume address these themes, assessing the progress of historiography and setting an agenda for the further advance of historical studies. The book is a valuable resource for students, researchers and all who are interested in gaining a deeper understanding of Malawi's past and present.




Mzuni Press


9996060799, 9789996060793, 1223120465, 9781223120461


531 pages $bcolor ma

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