
Biographical dictionary of Chinese women. The Qing Period, 1644-1911

In: University of Hong Kong Libraries publications, no. 10

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"The second volume in this distinguished series contains some 250 biographies of women active from 1912 until 1990, although many of the biographies contain information current to the year 2000. While the volume includes biographies of such internationally famous Chinese women as the Soong sisters, Lu Gwei-Djen, Jiang Qing, Han Suyin, Anna Chennault, Deng Yingchao, and Ding Ling, because of the enormous amount of historical material and scholarly research that has become available in the last few decades, the editor was also able to include a greater range of women than would have been previously possible. These are Chinese women who have forged careers as scientists, businesswomen, sportswomen, and military officers appearing alongside writers, academics, revolutionary heroines, politicians, musicians, opera stars, film stars, artists, educators, nuns, and traditional good wives

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