国家与社会: 强国 与 新民 的重奏: A Century Long Ensemble of Great Power and New Citizens
In: Social Development Experiences in China Ser
Intro -- Contents -- 1 The Issue of "State and Society" in Chinese Historical Context -- 1.1 The Existed Framework: "State" and "Civil Society" as an Entity -- 1.2 Historical Context and Native Notion: "Empower State" and "Make People Enlightened" as a Process -- 1.2.1 Exploration of Reformists' Thought: A State of "Enlightening the People" -- 1.2.2 Practical Exploration During the Era of Republic of China: Social Revolution -- 1.2.3 The Typical Way of CPC: "Mass Line" -- 1.3 Analytical Perspective: Identity, Organization and Operations -- 1.3.1 Social Identity -- 1.3.2 Organizational Space -- 1.3.3 Operational Means -- 1.4 Conclusion -- 2 1949-1978: Social Integration and Mass Mobilization -- 2.1 Classes: Class Division and Ideological Reform -- 2.1.1 "Class Identity" and Identification of Identity -- 2.1.2 "Class Consciousness" and People Transformation -- 2.1.3 Digestion of Class Division -- 2.2 Organization: Establish Units and Collect Resources -- 2.2.1 The Establishment of Unit System -- 2.2.2 The Establishment of Cooperatives and People's Communes -- 2.2.3 Concentration of Resources and Unity of Interests -- 2.3 Movement: Promoting Work and Resolving Contradictions -- 2.3.1 "To Play the Enthusiasm of the Masses" -- 2.3.2 "Rely on Consciousness and Voluntary of Masses" -- 2.3.3 "Accept Criticism of the Masses" -- 2.4 Conclusion -- References -- 3 1979-1992: Decentralization of Power, Transfer of Profits and Germination of Interests -- 3.1 Interest: Promotion and Diversification -- 3.1.1 The Initiative of Interests -- 3.1.2 The Interests of Relationship -- 3.1.3 The Gradual Opening of Private Domain -- 3.2 Enterprise and Organization: Invigoration and Autonomy -- 3.2.1 Rural Areas: Implementation of Household Responsibility System -- 3.2.2 City: The Restoration and Transmutation of Unit System -- 3.2.3 The Rise of Community Organizations