Aufsatz(elektronisch)6. Januar 2023

The haplogroup gap: The ticking time bomb of cardiometabolic disease in developing nations

In: Open access government, Band 37, Heft 1, S. 142-143

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


The haplogroup gap: The ticking time bomb of cardiometabolic disease in developing nations
Cardiometabolic disease (CMD) greatly increases an individual's risk for developing cardiovascular disease (CVD) and/or Type II diabetes (2), with the former being a leading cause of death worldwide. Decades of research efforts have significantly improved our understanding of cardiometabolic disease as a multifactorial 'whole-body' pathology caused not only by common 'modifiable' risk factors (such as exercise and dietary choices), but also increased inflammation within our muscles and fat, as well as inherited genetic risk. The genetic aspect of cardiometabolic disease has proven vexing to the medical and research communities – hundreds of genes have been associated with the hallmarks of CMD, yet none occur at a frequency that would explain the explosion in obesity and CMD rates documented worldwide over the past 25 years.




Adjacent Digital Politics Ltd

ISSN: 2516-3817



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