
Educational Breakout as a Learning Strategy in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language

In: Research & education, Heft 8, S. 5-21

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Breakouts are learning strategies that can stimulate the motivation of learning through challenges. During an educational breakout session, students must work as a team and use their reasoning, knowledge, and skills to solve puzzles and challenges related to the content of the curriculum in a limited time. This study intends to examine the impact of educational breakouts on classroom flow, academic performance, motivation, behaviour, and overall satisfaction of the first-year students of Applied Modern Languages, West University of Timişoara. In performing this experiment quantitative and qualitative techniques were used and the results showed a significant improvement in classroom engagement, flow, the feeling of well-being, autonomy, and loss of the notion of time and support the conclusion that the use of educational breakout is fun and motivating for students and facilitates knowledge accumulation.



ISSN: 2559-2033



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