Aufsatz(elektronisch)3. Januar 2023

Strategy for Managing the Potential for the Development of Environmentally Friendly Superior Grapes Products in the Probolinggo City

In: International journal of social science research and review, Band 5, Heft 12, S. 692-699

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


Community economic empowerment is a crucial part of the purpose of decentralization initiatives, which is to create an autonomous territory. Local governments and their communities manage their current resources and set up patterns of partnerships with the private sector in order to generate new jobs and increase the growth of economic activity in the area. The goal of this study was to build a policy model for the management of superior commodities of grapes in Probolinggo City as well as to assess the potential of the superior commodity of grapes and the viability of realizing that potential. In Probolinggo City, grapes have the potential to be a fundamental commodity. To get the feasibility value, the extended analysis method is applied. Utilizing the multiple goal programming paradigm, it is possible to assess the advantages of effectively controlling grape production. Due to the jobs and money it generates, grape farming meets these two criteria, making it both economically and socially viable. This makes it possible for grape farming to function at its best capacity and deliver the finest outcomes. According to the results of the SWOT analysis, aggressive planning was required to achieve the best management of the growth of the grape farming business. In grape growing, producers or the community can enhance productivity outcomes by engaging in the right cultivation management activities. They must, however, limit the holding area used to that of the ideal area.


International Journal of Social Science Research and Review

ISSN: 2700-2497



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