Aufsatz(elektronisch)27. September 2023

Investigating the Influence of Brand Communication and Brand Trust on Customer Commitment: An Examination from the Perspective of Customer Perception

In: Advances in decision sciences, Band 27, Heft 2, S. 166-195

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Purpose: The study aims to investigate the role of different brand communication types on customer commitment and the impact of perceived fit on the bond between brand communication and brand trust in the context of China's international schools. This work offers profound insights into brand trust and communication strategies for brand decision-makers which directly shape customer commitment, a key aspect of the decision-making process.
Design/methodology/approach: Employing quantitative analysis, this study surveyed 318 parents of students from 6 international schools in China, constructing an SEM-PLS model to validate the influences of brand communication, perception of fit, and brand trust on customer commitment.
Findings: The research uncovered that controllable brand communication positively affects customer commitment via the mechanism of brand trust, while uncontrollable brand communication does not directly influence affective commitment. The mediation role of brand trust and affective commitment between brand communication and sustained commitment is observed. Perceived fit serves as a moderator in the relationship between brand communication and brand trust.
Practical Implications: Our findings empirically unravel the core determinants for the future development of international schools in China.
Originality/value: What sets this study apart is its empirical focus on China's international schools sector, an area not thoroughly explored in the existing literature. It bolsters the extant knowledge of brand relationship marketing, providing comprehensive insights into the interplay of brand communication, brand trust, and customer commitment. This paper emphasizes the vitality of effective brand management for gaining a competitive edge and achieving customer fit in the modern market, thereby offering invaluable implications for decision-makers in making scientifically informed brand management decisions.


Asia University

ISSN: 2090-3367



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