Aufsatz(elektronisch)März 2020


In: Oradea journal of business and economics, Band 5, Heft 1, S. 97-105

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


In our digitalized world, foreign language skills are becoming vital in the life of multinational companies. In addition to traditional teaching methods, online teaching methods play an important role in language teaching. In this paper we try to compare the perceived effectiveness of online and offline teaching methods. We also aim to understand language learners' behaviour, including their motivation, service provider choice, information sources considered in their choice and their willingness to pay. In this paper, we also examine the extent to which language learners are supported in everyday company teaching by the Eflow by SZABO online software, which can be used in a flexible form of education. A combined (online and paper-based) survey was conducted among language school students who are using Eflow by SZABO. To analyse the data, we have used descriptive statistics and factor analysis. We have found that language schools are considered to be the most effective form of language learning, closely followed by Eflow by SZABO. Individual learning is also seen as being more effective than learning in groups. The findings can be used by scholars and in throughout language teaching business too.




Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Oradea

ISSN: 2501-3599



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