Aufsatz(elektronisch)20. Juni 2022

Wild Figurations

In: Ecocene: Cappadocia journal of environmental humanities

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Sara Maston is a multi-disciplinary artist who creates paintings, ceramics, textiles, and site-specific installations. Her work attends to alternative forms of knowledge found in the vantage points of animals such as insects, single-celled organisms, domestic horses, birds and rodents. Maston holds an MFA from York University and is pursuing a degree in Information Science at the University of Toronto with a specialization in Environmental Studies. Her research there focuses on the corporeal and digital knowledge production of other-than-human beings undertaken in processes of world-building. Maston's practice is situated within the context of multi-species kinship relationships informed by scholars and artists such as Taiwanese choreographer Lin Lee-Chen, Inuk artist Shuvanai Ashoona, American anthropologist Anna Tsing as well as Potawatomi Botanist Robin Wall Kimmerer.




Cappadocia University

ISSN: 2717-8943



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