Aufsatz(elektronisch)23. April 2017

Enhancing Cultural Competence Among Dental Students Through Active Teaching and Experiential Learning

In: Qualitative report: an online journal dedicated to qualitative research and critical inquiry

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Dental schools are required to utilize teaching practices that increase students' culture competence and ensure their ability to deliver equitable oral care. This study explored the impact of active teaching, an approach that offered comprehensive engagement and experiential learning. Students participated in small group activities, conducted interviews and developed reflective writings. A QUAN→qual sequential mixed method was used to analyze their reflective writings. Quantitative results indicated that students' cultural competence was significantly enhanced. Qualitative findings showed that students recognized their unconscious biases and reported an increase of cultural competence. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of experiential learning, particularly the addition of small group discussions, in instruction aimed at enhancing cultural competence among 84 first year pre-doctoral dental students.




Nova Southeastern University

ISSN: 1052-0147



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