Aufsatz(elektronisch)3. Oktober 2016

Impact of Interviews on Heterosexual Students' Expressions of Cultural Competency

In: Qualitative report: an online journal dedicated to qualitative research and critical inquiry

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The purpose of this qualitative study was to understand the effects of a cultural competency intervention on dental pre-doctoral students' attitudes toward individuals of a different sexual orientation. 22 heterosexual students interviewed gay or lesbian individuals and wrote reflective text. Results illustrated that participants found that their interviewees had "surprisingly similar" beliefs and values – especially in the areas of religion and family. Because of their "similar values," these students expressed respect toward their interviewees who were "so different" than themselves. This conclusion of "sameness" forced them to see homosexuals as people, rather than a stigmatized invisible outgroup, mitigating sexual prejudice.




Nova Southeastern University

ISSN: 1052-0147



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