Aufsatz(elektronisch)15. Oktober 2014

Relationships of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and their Fathers

In: Qualitative report: an online journal dedicated to qualitative research and critical inquiry

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This phenomenological study investigated the relationships between 7 fathers and their sons with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Seven major themes emerged: Shared Activities, Developmental Sensitivity, Emotional Understanding, Fighting the Label, Fatherhood Expectations, Parent Responsibility, and Fatherhood Isolation. Fathers were sensitive to their sons' emotional needs and developmental milestones. Clinicians can help fathers to develop appropriate relationships with their children that involve shared activities. Clinicians can also assist fathers in coping with isolation and expectations regarding fatherhood, developing desired fatherhood roles, and finding appropriate shared activities with their children.




Nova Southeastern University

ISSN: 1052-0147



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