Aufsatz(elektronisch)25. Juli 2023

Ecological notes and occurrence of Astrangia solitaria (Le Sueur, 1817) (Cnidaria: Astrangiidae) for the Northern Brazilian Coast

In: Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências naturais, Band 18, Heft 2

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Ecological associations are widely reported in literature, covering several levels in the trophic chain or with different species interaction. However, the epibiosis between coral and gastropod species is still rarely observed in Brazil. Therefore, herein we report the epibiosis between the coral species Astrangia solitaria (Le Sueur, 1817) and the gastropod Turbinella laevigata Anton, 1838, additionally, extending the distribution of A. solitaria from the northern Brazilian coast (State of Amapá). The species were collected as bycatch fauna during commercial fishing operations along the continental shelf of Amapá, under the supervision of Center for Research and Management of Fisheries Resources of the North Coast (CEPNOR). This paper increases the northernmost record of A. solitaria and expands its epibiosis interaction with T. laevigata.


Boletim do Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi

ISSN: 2317-6237



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