Aufsatz(elektronisch)25. September 2012

平生足悲吒----論韓愈詩的憂憤悲懷/The Sadness of Life-Han Yu's Poetry of Grief and Sorrow

In: Asian Studies, Heft 1, S. 93-110

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


摘要本文從悲苦憂懼的角度重新詮釋韓愈的詩作與人生,以「老病之懼」、「飢寒之憂」、「喪生之畏」三項主題為核心,解析韓愈藉詩抒發對生命老化、漂泊與死亡的深深恐懼。本文是學界至今為止極少數探討韓愈文學此一面向的研究。關鍵詞:韓愈詩、諧謔、以文為詩、以文為戲 This paper is a study of the element of melancholy apprehension in Han Yu's poetry. Han's apprehension of melancholy, which up to now has received very little attention, is discussed in three aspects: (1) the fear of old age and sickness, (2) the fear of hunger and cold, and (3) the fear of death. Against the background of Han Yu's unstable and uncertain life and career, the new reading and analysis show that melancholy lies at the very heart of his personality and writing.


University of Ljubljana

ISSN: 2350-4226



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