Aufsatz(elektronisch)21. November 2013

The Analysis of Internal Regulations and Regulative Acts in Armed Forces (Part I)

In: Vojenské rozhledy: vojenskoteoretický časopis = Czech military review, Band 22, Heft 4, S. 113-124

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


Article analyzes the relation between legal and internal regulations and acts in public administration focusing on their hierarchy, quantity, liability in specific area of armed forces. There is wide range and amount of relatively autonomous service regulations and official channels (internal orders, guidelines, advices). Although any internal regulations have to be in accordance with superior sources of law, relation between legal and internal level is not clear. Article exemplary outlines, that consistent system of internal rules is based especially on running and immediate updates to meet harmony with legal code.


University of Defence

ISSN: 2336-2995



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